EHR Weekly Bulletin

May 13, 2024

Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact [email protected]. 


New for Counties: An Accessible View of What’s Next for the EHR 

CalMHSA’s EHR Product Team is working on an ambitious set of upcoming initiatives, which we have assembled into a new list for counties to access and review. Each week, the most current version will be available as a standing item in the newsletter. 

Sorted by topics like medical, clinical documentation, patient administration and SysAdmin, the list is an important transparency tool for keeping you updated as products and priorities evolve. 

EHR Initiatives


Client Documents Improvements

CalMHSA has deployed recent improvements to the way a client’s documents can be viewed and sorted.  

In the Documents (Client) list page, a dynamic filter addresses the type of document you want to see and shows only options currently associated with the client’s record. Previously, the options were limited and did not include all the documents associated with each client because each document required individual setup.  

CalMHSA has worked through all the live documents in SmartCare and to ensure they are now included in this setup. As new documents are created in the future, this setup will be included in their deployment.


CalMHSA has also recently created many new scanned document types to allow for better categorization of the type of document being scanned or uploaded to a client’s chart. These were also just recently released and are based on the current active documents in SmartCare, as well as requests from counties. Some are explicit scanned versions of the document (e.g., Consent to Treat) while others are more categorical (e.g., Legal Document). CalMHSA is working to add “(scanned)” to the end of any document name that is a scanned document type. Please note that when scanning or uploading a document to a client’s chart, you can enter the description, which will show up on the Documents (Client) list page in parentheses next to the name of the document type. 

As these two improvements were deployed at the same time, we’re still working on getting the newly created scanned document types into the appropriate filter categories on the Documents (Client) list page. This should be available in your system within a few weeks.  


Daily Email Updates Discontinued 

With the launch of the Weekly Bulletin, the daily email we’ve been sending has been officially retired. Going forward, if we have release notes to share, you’ll find those in this newsletter. If you’re wondering about an item in a previous daily blast, contact our team at [email protected]