Creating the Org Hierarchy

Since every organization has their own hierarchy, a System Administrator will have to set up the Org Hierarchy in SmartCare.

  1. Open the Org Hierarchy screen.
    1. Click on the Search icon.
    2. Type in “Org Hierarchy” in the search bar.
    3. Select “Org Hierarchy” from the search results.
  1. This will take you to the Org Hierarchy screen. When you first create the Org Hierarchy, you will only have a single node that is shown.
  1. Click on Modify to change the mode from View to Modify. This will show a larger ribbon at the top of the screen with the following operations:
    1. Edit Selected Node: Use this option when you want to edit the current information for a particular position node (including their staff assignments).
    2. Add New Child Node: Use this option when you want to add a new child node to an existing parent position node.
    3. Delete Selected Node: Use this option when you want to delete an existing leaf node (without children).
    4. Reset: Use this option when you want to clear out all options, selections etc. to start from a clean slate. This will refresh the screen & display the whole current organization hierarchy (& takes you back to the View mode)
    5. Export PDF: Use this option when you want to export the current view of the ‘Org Hierarchy’ to a PDF file (which then can be emailed, shared etc.)
  1. Setup the Director in the first node. SmartCare will have a single node to start. All other nodes will be attached to this one for this hierarchy.
    1. Click on the one existing node to select it. The node will be highlighted yellow when you’ve selected it.
    2. Click on “Edit Selected Node” in the screen ribbon.
    1. This will expand the ribbon to include the attributes of the position. Enter the position’s information. This information is related to the position itself and is separate from any staff who fills this position.
      1. Position Type: This is drop down list of available position types. You can select any one position type in the drop down to be associated with this position node. This is a required field. This will be automatically populated with “Director”.
      2. Internal Hierarchy Level (Number): This is an integer number to depict the hierarchy level of the current position to be used/helpful in reporting. This is an optional integer only field provided for counties who would like to view their reports on this data field.
      3. Internal Position ID: This is an optional text field. You can enter your internal county position ID for better tracking, if needed. This will be automatically populated with A0001.
      4. Position Start Date: This has the date picker to depict the start date for the position (the day position becomes active). This field is optional, to be used as needed. This will be automatically populated with 1901-01-01.
      5. Position End Date: This has the date picker to depict the end date for the position (the day position becomes inactive). This field is optional, to be used as needed.
      6. Position Budget: This optional field is used for documenting the position budget in USD. This will be automatically populated with 100000.
    2. Enter the staff’s information. This information is related to the person who’s currently filling that position. It is dependent on the position information but is separate from it. A staff member can only fill 1 position at a time. If the position is currently vacant, leave the staff information blank.
      1. Staff Assignment: This is an available drop down list of the staff member taking up/associated with this position node. This is an optional field. Note: Only 1 unique Staff can be assigned to 1 position.
      2. Staff Start Date: This is a date picker depicting the date the particular staff started in this position. This is an optional field.
      3. Staff End Date: This is a date picker depicting the date the particular staff ended their role in this position. This is an optional field.
      4. Staff FTE%: This is a field denoting the %FTE for a staff assignment. The valid values are from 0.01 to 1.00. For example, a 50% staff FTE assignment would be denoted as 0.5. This is an optional field. If you leave the field blank, or enter “0”, the system will automatically populate the value to be 1.00 (100%).
    3. Click “Submit” to make the changes.
    1. A pop-up window will appear letting you know changes were made. Click “OK” to reload the Org Hierarchy and see your changes.
  1. Setup the next level of the hierarchy.
    1. Click on Modify.
    2. Click on the Director’s node. This will be the parent node for the new node you are going to create.
    3. Click on “Add New Child Node” in the screen ribbon.
    1. This will expand the ribbon to include the attributes of the position. Enter the position’s information. This information is related to the position itself and is separate from any staff who fills this position.
      1. Position Type: This is drop down list of available position types. You can select any one position type in the drop down to be associated with this position node. This is a required field.
      2. Internal Hierarchy Level (Number): This is an integer number to depict the hierarchy level of the current position to be used/helpful in reporting. This is an optional integer only field provided for counties who would like to view their reports on this data field.
      3. Internal Position ID: This is an optional text field. You can enter your internal county position ID for better tracking, if needed.
      4. Position Start Date: This has the date picker to depict the start date for the position (the day position becomes active). This field is optional, to be used as needed.
      5. Position End Date: This has the date picker to depict the end date for the position (the day position becomes inactive). This field is optional, to be used as needed.
      6. Position Budget: This optional field is used for documenting the position budget in USD.
    2. Enter the staff’s information. This information is related to the person who’s currently filling that position. It is dependent on the position information but is separate from it. A staff member can only fill 1 position at a time. If the position is currently vacant, leave the staff information blank.
      1. Staff Assignment: This is an available drop down list of the staff member taking up/associated with this position node. This is an optional field. Note: Only 1 unique Staff can be assigned to 1 position.
      2. Staff Start Date: This is a date picker depicting the date the particular staff started in this position. This is an optional field.
      3. Staff End Date: This is a date picker depicting the date the particular staff ended their role in this position. This is an optional field.
      4. Staff FTE%: This is a field denoting the %FTE for a staff assignment. The valid values are from 0.01 to 1.00. For example, a 50% staff FTE assignment would be denoted as 0.5. This is an optional field. If you leave the field blank, or enter “0”, the system will automatically populate the value to be 1.00 (100%).
    3. Click “Submit” to make the changes.
    1. A pop-up window will appear letting you know changes were made. Click “OK” to reload the Org Hierarchy and see your changes.
  1. Repeat step 5 until all the child nodes for the Director are created. Then use the same steps outlined in 9 to add child nodes to each subsequent node that supervises others. Repeat until all direct service-staff are input into the Org Hierarchy.

Video Walkthrough

Updated 3/20/24